Educational courses about Israel, Zionism and the Jewish people, for audiences of all backgrounds

The Israel Educator is a customizable educational experience that offers tailored courses on Israel, Zionism and the Jewish people taught live in a remote or in-person setting.

The Israel Educator Advantage

Unique Background Serving on Israel’s Frontlines

Having served in the Israel Defense Forces, at the United Nations, and taught in the classroom of Israel advocacy, The Israel Educator brings a unique combination of experiences and an authentic perspective that informs each educational session.

Expansive Range of Tailored Courses

The Israel Educator offers the most comprehensive selection of courses related to Israel, Judaism and Zionism, ensuring there is a topic for every educational interest and objective, while tailoring the program for each individual audience.

Active Engagement Style

The Israel Educator courses are not passive lectures but active engagements, where instruction is provided in a lively atmosphere that requires audience participation and interaction with the subject matter to improve comprehension.

Experience Bridging Divides

With a background in communications, The Israel Educator is experienced at discussing a variety of issues with diverse audiences that hold a range of political, religious and other viewpoints, and ensuring the best educational environment.

Subject Areas

October 7th: Causes & Consequences

The History & Story of Israel

Jews, Judaism & Zionism

Geopolitics & Security

The Media & Public Opinion


The Israel Educator is for audiences of all backgrounds, regardless of age, education, religion, geographic location, political affiliation or knowledge of the subject areas, including…

Campus organizations - Community organizers - Corporations - Educational institutions - Instructors - Jewish and non-Jewish clergy - Law enforcement - Multimedia news groups - Parents - Policy organizations (local, state, national) - Religious institutions - Students…and more!

The course material is uniquely tailored to meet the educational objectives of each organization, community or individual.


“Daniel was an exceptional presenter, covering a wide range of information and delivering it in an engaging manner. His breadth of knowledge about Israel was impressive, and he always found a way to make it relevant to the diverse audience."

Executive Director, Non-Profit Policy Organization (Washington, DC)

“Daniel’s ability to skillfully navigate participants with diverse political views while delivering well-organized and insightful material highlights his character, leadership, and intellect. His approachable demeanor, engaging style, and dedication to unbiased education make him an outstanding guide for anyone interested in learning more.”

Participant, Young Professional Organization (Washington, DC)

“Daniel briefed two separate audiences that my organization gathered to hear about developments in Israel as it relates to the war since October 7th. He was an insightful presenter and provided the audience with a nuanced and unique perspective. He kept everyone engaged and was very responsive to their questions. Daniel was a pleasure to work with."

Executive Director, Investment Organization (Baltimore, MD)

“Daniel captivated our congregation with both his depth of knowledge and his keen insights into the current state of affairs in Israel and its historical background.  He was particularly generous in answering extensive questions from those who attended.”

Men’s Club President, Congregation Ohev Shalom (Orlando, FL)

Interested in bringing The Israel Educator to your organization or community?