The Israel Educator offers a comprehensive selection of educational topics about Israel, Zionism and the Jewish people that will be tailored for your audience.

October 7th: Causes & Consequences

  • This course examines the background and context of Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel, and how the war quickly spread into a regional contest, with Israel engaged on multiple fronts, including the first-ever direct confrontation with Iran. From the battlefield tactics to strategic developments, we examine how the war progressed and what it means for the future of Israel, the Middle East and American power.

  • Following the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust, it quickly became clear that Israel's war for survival was being waged not just on the battlefields of the Middle East, but across the globe. This course examines the roles and influence of the United States, the United Nations, the media and more over the course of the conflict. It looks at the causes and sources of the rise of antisemitism and how pro-Palestinian protestors came to occupy college campuses. And it considers what the international reaction means for the future of Israel, the United States and the West.

The History & Story of Israel

  • This course on the complete history of Israel covers thousands of years in one session, from the biblical roots and ancient connection of the Jewish people with the Land of Israel, to the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty in the 20th century and the story of the Jewish state today. This course will cover key historical events and figures and help lay the foundation for understanding Israel today.

  • Part 1 of this two-part course on the complete history of Israel begins with the biblical and ancient connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and ends with the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty with Israel’s independence. This course will examine how and why political Zionism returned Jews to Ottoman Palestine in the late 19th century and what it took to establish a state despite two world wars and the Holocaust.

  • Part 2 of this two-part course on the complete history of Israel begins with understanding the security and political challenges Israel faced upon independence and how it became a regional power. The course considers the Palestinian issue and the advent of the “peace process” in the 1990s and 2000s, how Israel developed regional ties with the Abraham Accords and ends with the events and consequences of Hamas’ October 7th attack.

  • Despite what the headlines say, the story of Israel is not about conflict, but about the unique blend of the ancient with the modern. This course looks at the social, political and demographic history of Israel while delving into some of its contemporary challenges. It considers how this small country, besieged by enemies on all sides, became the “start up” nation and what it can teach America and the West about life in the 21st century.

Jews, Judaism & Zionism

  • Jews may be the most discussed but least understood people in the world. This is an introductory course to the Jewish religion and people that explores the basic tenets and history of Judaism, how the ancient Israelites became the Jewish people and their purpose and mission in our world. It includes brief examinations of common practices and differences between Jewish communities, and how the establishment of Israel changed the course of Jewish and world history.

  • As perhaps the most misrepresented political ideology, this course examines the meaning and history of Zionism. It looks at the various ideologies of Zionist thought, both in Europe and elsewhere, and how this movement led to the re-establishment of Jewish sovereignty. It also examines the history and motivations of anti-Zionism and its relationship with antisemitism. We conclude with asking if Zionism has a place - in the Jewish and non-Jewish worlds - in the 21st century.

  • This course examines the history and many manifestations of the world’s oldest bigotry. It looks at how to distinguish between legitimate criticism of Israel and antisemitism and the relationship between anti-Zionism and antisemitism. Finally, given its sudden and widespread rise across the Western world, we look at what happens to societies that celebrate - or even tolerate - this ancient bigotry.

  • This course surveys the Jewish experience in the United States, beginning with an understanding of what American independence meant for the Jewish condition in the 18th century. From George Washington’s letter to the Hebrew Congregation of Newport, Rhode Island in 1790 to the present day, it examines how Jews have shaped America and how America has shaped them, as well as the evolution of relations between Jewish and non-Jewish communities. It looks at the challenges - from antisemitism to accusations of dual loyalty - the American Jewish community faces and what the future holds for Jews in America.

Geopolitics & Security

  • The United States is Israel’s most important partner and ally, but that was not always the case. This course examines the history of this relationship, how and why it came to be known as a “special relationship”, and what the future holds as both countries experience a period of political and demographic change. This course also looks at the non-governmental aspects of the US-Israel relationship, including ties between businesses and people.

  • This course provides an expansive look at the key players and dynamics in the region. It begins with a brief history of the modern Middle East and important events in recent years, including the development of both the Abraham Accords and the Axis of Resistance. It looks at regional threats and opportunities, the influence of global actors actors and America’s role in the region.

  • The United Nations seems to play an outsized role in Israel. Is this really the case? This course explores the organization’s history and its many departments, including the Security Council, General Assembly, Human Rights Council, UNRWA and more. It considers the relationship between the UN and the Jewish state, and what the role is for the international organization in the 21st century.

  • From its relationship to society, its capabilities on and off the battlefield and the ability for non-Israelis to serve in its ranks, the Israel Defense Forces is a military unlike any other. This course examines the purpose, history and structure of the IDF. It looks at the challenges and unique construction of the first Jewish army in two millennia, and how that military is redefining combat in the 21st century.

The Media & Public Opinion

  • This course examines the many aspects of Israel that make the Jewish state unique in the world. It advances arguments for why Israel is a strategic asset for the United States. It also considers why different communities - liberals and conservatives, Jews and non-Jews, religious and non-religious, and more - should support Israel.

  • Israel is often maligned in the media and regularly seems to lose the public relations campaign. This course examines the reasons behind and how to properly identify media bias, and the role outlets like BBC, CNN, al-Jazeera and others have in shaping Israel's public image. It explores the impact of social media on public opinion about Israel and the challenges and considerations in fighting the PR war.

  • Israel’s detractors accuse it of being an apartheid state, of ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people, of committing genocide and much more. From college campuses to the United Nations, Israel's critics call to boycott, divest from and sanction the Jewish state. This course examines these claims, how to combat them and how to distinguish legitimate criticism of Israel from antisemitism.

  • This course considers how Israel fares in the court of public opinion, and why it often seems to be losing the public relations battle. It examines what is required for effective communications and advocacy and explores how to make Israel’s case at the United Nations, in the media and in everyday conversation.

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