My name is Daniel Flesch. Welcome to The Israel Educator.

Background: born and raised in Chicago; currently living in the Washington, DC area


  • Founder, The Israel Educator

  • Senior Advisor to Israel’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations

  • 202nd Paratrooper Battalion, Israel Defense Force

  • Founder of Fuel for Truth, Jewish National Fund’s Israel education and advocacy program, in Washington, DC

  • Board Member, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington

  • Member, Jewish National Fund’s Global Speakers Bureau

  • Member, National Task Force to Combat Antisemitism


  • MA, International Relations and International Economics, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

  • BA, Political Science and History, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Speaking Audiences Include: Corporations, Congressional Members, Capitol Hill staff, policy organizations, Jewish and Christian institutions, national conferences and more

Media Appearances Include: The Algemeiner, Christian Broadcasting Network, CNN, CNBC, Commentary Magazine, Fox News, Jerusalem Post, MSN, RealClear, Times of Israel and more

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